Thursday, January 15, 2015

A little about this blog...and me.

My chosen topic to blog about is architecture. It is amazing what can be done with building materials, what’s even more amazing  is how some buildings can stay intact for any number of years while others crumble after only a few. Historic sites are probably my favorites so you will probably find more historic buildings rather than contemporary sites. I like contemporary too but I feel that classic architecture versus contemporary is just timeless. I love seeing older buildings being restored to their former glory. Just magical.My name is Brandy Wendland, I am 29 years old and am currently attending Lone Star College to become a diagnostic sonographer. I am a PTK member, in my spare time I listen to music, yard work, sketch, watch horror movies, and play games online. I have a 5 year old and have been married 6 years. My husband is also in school perusing his bachelor’s degree in mathematical biology. We are always busy. HGTV and Farm Ville are my current obsessions... Sad I know but I love it!

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